Thursday, May 28, 2009

Had a great time in Seattle. We walked about 10 miles. So fun and a good way to induce exercise in those opposed to it.
Here are two reasons to hang your tomatoes. One would be that the sun is better in the morning, and two, the deer can't reach them. See how they ate my sweet 100 and peppers?
Alea had a soft ball game in a faux snow storm with 90 degree weather. Look carefully, the cotton woods were shedding terribly. The sky was pretty cool too.


audreypawdrey said...

Seattle sounds like a fun time! I hung my tomato plants a couple of years ago and they did wonderful. I didn't have to worry about deer either!:)

Dionne said...

You came here at the perfect time! Our weather has been BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I must try hanging my tomato plants, I've heard nothing but good~!
Hope the game went well.

Anonymous said...

sou uma brasileira sua admiradora...happy for your service!

Jeff, Kristi, Marisa, and Lucas said...

I'm guessing Jeff is the one opposed to exercise.