I don't know why I am having so much trouble arranging pictures in blogger. I really wanted to move the quilt pictures to the top. They don't move and I can't delete the ones I have changed my mind about sharing. So you get what is here.
My #1 DS is now on the tennis team. He and his soccer playing friends have decided to invade the the JV team (last week). The team only consisted of 4 players and now it is 8. The coach said that they may pull it out and make tennis players of them yet. Their first tournament is today. I am really surprised at his level of enthusiasm for it. I will keep you posted on the outcome. Should be fun.

DS #2 on the right is preparing for a snow boarding day at
Dodge Ridge today with his friend.

We have a lovely community with a big duck pond near us. Here is DD #2 enjoying time with her friend.

DD #1 Loves playing Basketball She takes it most places.

Here are those quilt pictures I was talking about. I made this "Shaggy Quilt" for a friend of mine who just adopted there 2nd baby girl form China. What a selfless act form a wonderful giving couple. They have 2 older daughters that are 22 and 24. This quilt matches this
quilt I make for her sister a couple of years ago.

One of the ladies in the guilt made a quilt like this one and shared it at show and tell last month and it was the hit of the event. She was so kind to write out the instructions and share them me. I could Email them to you if Email me your interest.

My attempt at photography art. I thought the ice sickles were kinda cool! Poor roses.