Nicole participated in a children's production at church last night and today. We attended church on Saturday night and the kids were confused this am. This pm we had an Easter egg hunt. Here are the remnants of laundry and candy eating on this relaxing Easter day.

This picture shows me just how much these two look alike. Kevin 9, Alea 8. But boy, how different they are!

My Mom and her sister, my Aunt Sherry. Sometimes they look alike and sometimes not at all. They too are very different from one another.

My Dear Sweet Loving Mother kept my kids for the whole week. My husband made dinner.....yummm... Bacon Wrapped Fillet Mignon and a salad. He really loves me.

My Dad's visit concluded this week, I already miss him.

The boys got new skateboards this week. Fortunately they have a skate park near by. I know I should make them wear helmets. No one else does here but when we travel they are mandatory.

I have been a negligent blogger in days of late. I will try and post a little something everyday for a while.