My darling daughter turned 9 recently. She chose to celebrate her birthday with one special friend and make a day of it.

We started the day with a basketball game. The girls had a short 5 week season. Their team won the end of the season tournament. She has decided that basketball is her favorite sport.

She chose Perkos for lunch. Not because she loves the food so much but because they sing and give the birthday person a piece of pie or ice cream.

We went to Walmart to cash in her gift card (thank you grandpa Don). Choosing a birthday gift for your self is a long and agonising process.

We next saw Tangled, a 3D Movie. That was pretty fun. I was not sure it was worth an extra 4 dollars each for the glasses but what the heck, it was a treat.

Our plan to see this movie next.

Alea and Candace had a lot of fun playing with the birthday gifts.

Every year the kids request that I make them a worm cake. usually I cut it a part and make a worm out of the bundt cake but I assured her this is a worm cake, it just looks like a doughnut.All they are really interested in are the gummy worms anyway.
Happy Birthday Alea!