We had a Sunday afternoon trip to Pine Crest Lake. There were a lot of people, but I knew there would be. We had to circle the parking areas 3 times to find a parking spot before we found a guy loading up to leave. I blocked traffic for a while but hey, where were they going to go anyway? DS and I swam a few laps to the buoys and back the water was great and refreshing!

There was a Craft Faire in Twain Harte this weekend. We had to go and see what was there, and who was there. My kids can't believe how many people I know. But really, our community is quite small. We joke about not running out for a quick trip in your PJs because you will run into 3 or 4 people you know.

I saw Betsy and Doreen from our Guild selling raffle tickets for the opportunity quilt.

A quick game of miniature golf and we were on our way.

I have those Geese arranged in a way I like them. Now all I need is a chance to sew them together.

We're on fire. There is a fire burning in the Stanislaus National Forest about 15 miles from our community. Yesterday is was estimated 650 acres were burned and the fire is expected to last about a week. There is a lot of smoke in the air and lots of people with respiratory disorders. But, I did get a shot of the sun rising through the smoke. Very dramatic and very orange.