I always take this week off of work. It typically is slow and I don't like to sit around, at work any way. I like to sit around in my Quilt Shack. I am making big progress on quilting my Cactus Patch quilt. It is for my bed and is 112"X114''. Just the borders left to quilt.

I have made all the blocks for the Carolina Christmas quilt and put half of them together. I think I am going to stop here. I am tired of making big quilts.

A friend of mine, Marla made me a pin cushion. Isn't it nice and cheery? I know it is a small accent in a big room but it is perfect. I love it and now have a place to put all those flat headed pins. I have a selection in my other pincushion but can't bring myself to throw away all the round end ones that aren't sharp enough.

Christmas came and went. The children had a great time always lots of presents. Well, not as many this year because 2 of the grandparents sent money for us to take care of. When I gave the children the option they wanted door number one... the cash. With saving some, and giving some, they torn with what to buy themselves. Maybe they will be like Alea our 8 yo. She wanted a laptop and after a year of saving she got most of it so we kicked in the rest for her Christmas present.

We made yarn Christmas Ornaments. Now we are up to about 20. Hmmm good thing cheap yarn is cheap.

Today is my birthday and this is the ceremonial chair for the picture.

And our annual bowling adventure. Eric won with a whopping 165.