I sat and watched Soccer on Saturday while stitched the binding. It is a simple Chinese Coin made with my stash.

I free motion quilted it with flowers and leaves. Turned out pretty good.

I have developed a love affair with millet. A little spoken of grain that is gluten free and mixes into a variety of dishes. Here I cut up peppers, onions, tomatoes, and zucchini. Added corn and dried cranberries. I made a simple dressing and ate it for 3 days. Yummy!
My design wall has a quilt top on it this has been my summer project but I have probably only worked on it 3 or 4 times. It started as a Bali Pop and a piece of yardage I got at our guild yard sale for 5 dollars. That white spot on it is the sun shining through the window.
I did start a baby quilt the other day. One of my friends and a mom of one of my kids friends is having a baby soon. This week or nest I think. I had better get to work so that baby has something to be wrapped up in.
My DD Nicole celebrated her 13th birthday this week. She did assure me that she would not be one of "those teenagers". Such a precious girl. I have completed 6 triathlons this summer (that is where my sewing time went). This past weekend 3 of my kids and 2 of my friends did it too. It was so nice to have company.
We all had a great time. I was glad I could get Eric back into it after his last attempt with a broken bike.
And just because I thought you all should see this.